Who wouldn’t want a $200 rebate on a brand new swimming pool cover? It’s just what you need to keep the leaves and debris out of your pool at this time of year. Save up to $200 on the cost of a new pool cover by taking advantage of the Sydney Water Pool Cover Rebate.
There are many other benefits to using a pool cover including reducing water usage, less chance of water flow blockages, it keeps the heat in the pool, saves you money on pool heating and can help you extend your pool swimming season.
We have broken down the Terms & Conditions for the Sydney Water Pool Cover Rebate to make it easier for you to understand. You would be crazy not to take advantage of this offer if you live in the areas Sydney Water services.
Here’s the official spiel from the Sydney Water website:
“Buy an eligible pool cover now and get $200 back.
For a limited time, we’re offering customers a rebate of up to $200 as part of our Pool Cover Rebate pilot program. Provide your details and proof that you purchased an eligible pool cover – either Climate Care Certified or endorsed under the Smart Approved WaterMark program – between 21 April and 30 September 2022. To find out more and claim your cash-back, email us at poolcoverrebate@sydneywater.com.au.“
The Sydney Water Pool Cover Rebate Explained Simply

- Your new Pool Cover has to be ordered between April 21st, 2022 and September 30th, 2022.
- The Pool Cover has to cover at least 25 square metres to be eligible.
- The rebate is only valid for qualifying pool covers that meet all of the requirements.
- The Climate Care Certified Scheme must endorse the Pool Cover.
The Rebate Deal
The rebate covers all qualifying pool covers purchased between April 21st, 2022 and September 30th, 2022.
If you’ve definitely purchased within that time frame, your pool cover is eligible for a rebate of up to $200.
We sell Daisy Ultradome, and Daisy Thermotech pool covers here at Best Pool Supplies through our online store. They’re both eligible for the Sydney Water rebate. Any questions? Contact us here, and we can help answer your questions.
Pool Cover Rebate Terms & Conditions
Here’s the finer details of what you need to do to qualify for the rebate fully.
- The pool cover must be new to qualify.
- The pool cover has to be installed on a rolling or manual system. Photos need to be provided of the newly installed swimming pool blanket.
- It has to be installed on a residential property that has a connection to a water main owned by the Sydney Water Corporation.
- The person applying for the rebate must be the owner of the property where the pool cover will be installed.
- The pool cover must be purchased and paid for within the validity period to be eligible.
- You can’t have a pool cover installed already.
- Photos, the purchase receipt, and information, including the brand and exact model of the pool cover need to be attached to the fully completed Sydney Water rebate form.
- You must sign a Letter of Authority. This states that you agree to the terms & conditions. This also ensures you agree to allow a Sydney Water Rep to inspect the cover at your home.
- Pool roller purchases will definitely not be covered under the rebate; it only applies to actual pool covers.
How Easy It Is To Apply For The Sydney Water Pool Cover Rebate
1) Simply email them at poolcoverrebate@sydneywater.com.au to receive the application form.
2) Complete the application form with all of the info and send it back.
3) Wait to hear back from Sydney Water for the payment of your rebate. Payment of your rebate will be within 30 days of receipt of your application by Sydney Water.
Any questions? Don’t be shy to ask us; our friendly customer service team will be more than happy to help.
Have a read of the Pool Rebate Q&A sheet here.
Best Pool Supplies Pool Covers That Are Eligible For The Rebate:
Our whole range of Daisy Ultradome and Daisy Thermotech pool covers are eligible for the Pool Cover Rebate.
The Daisy Ultradome has the Smart Approved Watermark certification as a water-wise product.
Also, both the Daisy Ultradome and Daisy Thermotech pool covers are Climate Care Certified by SPASA.
Be sure to order your new pool cover asap to ensure you are eligible for the rebate; the offer ends on September 30th. If you have any questions, just ask us.

You Will Need A Pool Cover Roller For Your New Pool Cover
Your new pool cover must be installed on an automatic or manual roller system to be eligible for this rebate.
We stock a large of Daisy Pool Cover Rollers that are designed to quickly roll the cover on and off the length of your pool with ease. We also stock a range of manually operated Poolcraft Pool Cover Rollers.
We have manual or automatic pool cover rollers; the automatic ones are solar powered, and some double as a bench seat at the end of your pool!
We are giving a 10% discount off all of our pool cover rollers as well. Add that to the $200 Sydney Water pool cover rebate and you have a very sweet deal.
Use coupon code: PCROLL10 at the checkout to get 10% off your pool cover roller of choice.
Our Daisy and Poolcraft rollers are both included in this deal. If you have any questions, just ask our team.

Do You Still Need Help In Choosing A Swimming Pool Cover?
Are you unsure about which pool cover to buy for your pool? We wrote a handy guide recently about Solar Pool Covers, have a read of it, and then feel free to ask our customer support team any questions you still have.
Our guide explains how they work, the benefits & how to choose one that’s right for your pool.
If you are ready to take advantage of the pool cover rebate you can shop our pool covers by clicking he button below now. Our Daisy Ultradome and Daisy Thermotech covers are the only ones we stock that are eligible for this deal.