Zodiac 3 in 1 Swimming Pool & Spa Water Test Strips - 50 Strips

Zodiac 3 in 1 Swimming Pool & Spa Water Test Strips - 50 Strips

Available Online
Pick Up - Yatala, QLD


The Zodiac 3 in 1 Pool and Spa Test Strips are the simple and effective way to test your pool and spa yourself. With a simple dip test you can know your pool or spas total water balance in only a few seconds, without the need for complex chemical reactions, or to take a bottle into a pushy pool shop. With these strips you will easily see your pool or spas FREE CHLORINE, pH and TOTAL ALKALINITY like a pro. Just dip & read instantly!

FREE CHLORINE - This is your pool or Spas primary sanitizer and must be maintained between 1-3 ppm. In this range your FREE CHLORINE will “eat up” contaminates, keeping your water clean and safe.

pH - This is the measure of your Pool or Spas Acidity or Alkalinity and should be kept between 7.2 and 7.8 for comfort, and to ensure that your Chlorine sanitizes effectively.  

TOTAL ALKALINITY - Total Alkalinity is a measure of the substances in your Pool or Spa that resists changes in your pools pH. Keeping these levels correct prevent sudden changes to your pools pH, and reduces the chance of scale build up on the pool surfaces.  


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