Baker Hydro Sapphire E602 Sand Filter, Shop Now, Best Prices

Baker Hydro Sapphire E602 Fibreglass - 28" Sand Filter with 50mm

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Baker Hydro Sapphire E602 Fibreglass - 28" Sand Filter with 50mm

The Baker Hydro range of filters, which are available in a plastic tank (ONYX) or fibreglass tank (SAPPHIRE), as well as a different range of sizes to suit the pool needs. Both ranges are compatible with sand or glass media.

Sapphire media filters feature an internal hydraulically efficient system, which facilitates energy and water savings.

Fibreglass wound construction - Sapphire filters embody the latest in fibreglass winding technology. Sapphire fibreglass vessels consist of an inner shell of fibreglass reinforced with multiple layers of continuous strands of fibreglass filaments.

Depth Filtration - The Sapphire operates on the basis of “Depth Filtration”; dirt is driven through the filter bed and trapped in minute spaces between the particles of filter media allowing the cleansed water to pass through the filter’s laterals and exit via the filter’s Multiport valve.

Simple Maintenance -  Cleaning the filter simply requires turning the filter’s Multiport lever from the “filter” position to the “backwash” position, which reverses the flow of water in the filter, flushing the filter bed.

Water Saving “Fish Tail” laterals -  Sapphire is equipped with “Fish Tail” laterals, to improve its filtration and backwashing hydraulic efficiency. Fish Tail laterals provide effective coverage of the filter bed and balanced water flow, during backwashing. Sapphire’s backwash time is significantly reduced, leading to a 30% savings of backwash water.

Energy Saving “Fish Tail” laterals - The Sapphire’s hydraulic efficiency halves the backwash flow rate of a conventional sand filter, allowing the option for low powered, energy efficient pumps for filtration flow and backwash flow.

Enhanced Water Clarity -  Lowering a filter’s flow rate not only significantly decreases the pump’s energy requirements, but also reduces water flow resistance in your pool equipment and plumbing. A lower flow rate also has the added benefit of enhancing your pool’s filtration efficiency, greatly enhancing the clarity of your swimming pool water.

Reduced Water Flow Resistance - Sapphire filters area equipped with a hydraulically efficient 50mm Multiport Valve to reduce the filter’s overall resistance to water flow


  • 50mm Multiport Valve
  • Metric or imperial quick connect unions
  • Glass filled thermoplastic.
  • Durable lever action handle.
  • 6 way multiple valve positions.
  • High grade stainless steel components.
  • Pressure gauge.
  • Wear resistant rotor.
  • Clear sight glass for backwash inspection.

Requires 225kg sand or 249kg glass (0.6-0.8mm)

Warranty - Sapphire filters are covered by a 10-year tank warranty and 1-year warranty on all other components. Commercial installations are covered by a 5-year (1 year full + 4 years pro rata) tank warranty and 1-year warranty on all other components.
Baker Hydro Sapphire Sand Filter Manual

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